Unicorns are shy and will flee at the sight of a man or any being of evil intent. They can be captured only by a maiden, who must wait in a forest glade until a unicorn comes to lay its head in her lap. It is said that the horn of a unicorn has magical healing properties and that the touch of a unicorn's horn will purify water and heal wounds.
Unicorns are swift and can move through even the densest forest without making a sound. They leave no tracks and can only be tracked by their scent, which is reminiscent of fresh-spun cotton and wildflowers.
Despite their gentle nature, unicorns are not defenseless. They will use their horns in battle if cornered, and their horn is so sharp that it can pierce even magical armor. Furthermore, unicorns are immune to spells of control, all poisons, and all forms of physical and magical disease.
Living in small herds of two to twelve individuals, unicorns have been sighted throughout the known world, but they are most common in the deep, ancient forests of Europe and Asia. They feed on grasses and herbs and are especially fond of fresh springs and clean, running water.
Sightings of unicorns have become increasingly rare, and some believe that they may soon pass out of the world entirely, driven away by the spread of evil and the loss of purity in the world.
Height/Length: 5 ft. at the shoulder
Weight: 400-600 lbs.
Attributes: STR: 12, SPD: 22, INT: 8, WILL: 20, DEX: 20, CHA: 20, CON: 14, PER: 22
Level: 4
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Damage: Horn: 1-10, Hooves: 1-8
Special Attributes: Ability to sense danger (range: 1 mile), 50% Magic resistance, Immunity to poisons
Armor: Unarmored
Hit Points: 14-34.