Monday, April 1, 2024

Swamp Troll

Swamp trolls, like rock trolls, are massive creatures, brutish and ugly. Many of their features are similar to those of rock trolls, though swamp trolls are taller and heavier and sport longer, sharper fangs than their cave-dwelling relatives. They are not as bright, though they have a bestial cunning which makes them dangerous foes.

A solitary species of troll-kind, the Swamp Troll is adapted to an aquatic existence and is commonly found inhabiting pools, rivers, marshes, and coastal waters. They are air-breathers but a massive lung capacity permits them to stay underwater for long periods of time. Indeed, most prefer to lair in air-filled caves accessible only from underwater entrances. When such a cave is found, a swamp troll will excavate air vents to the surface too small for most creatures to enter. With a secure air supply, the troll has a safe and well-protected lair.

Swamp trolls, like others of their race, are carnivores. They will kill and eat almost any living thing and are especially fond of men as food. They love treasure of all types, not for its value, but because they happen to take a fancy to glittering objects. For this reason, swamp trolls can sometimes be "bought off" with an offering of treasure, which they usually hide in their lairs.

Long ago, swamp trolls hit upon the concept of establishing themselves near bridges, lurking in the shadows and awaiting the appearance of wayfarers. These trolls demand the payment of a "toll" to permit passage; travelers who cannot pay are seized and devoured. Kullervo the Wanderer tells us that one of his party was killed fighting a swamp troll for a bridge and several others of the party injured before the troll was finally killed.

Most of the time, swamp trolls appropriate bridges built by Man to levy their tolls. A few, however, will actually construct bridges of their own where no such structure exists. They are lazy creatures, rarely exerting themselves, but they can fashion crude tools and weapons when forced to do so.

Swamp trolls prefer to live alone, but occasionally a family group is encountered. In such cases, the death of the dominant troll may lead to a vengeful rampage by other members of the family. In many cases, authorities tolerate the depredations of a troll rather than risk the possibility of a reign of terror that could result from the killing of a family member.

Swamp trolls dislike sunlight and can tolerate the direct rays of the sun for only a short time. They stay in the shadows as much as possible but will come forth to confront travelers at need.

Height/Length: 7-9 ft.

Weight: 500-800 lbs.

Attributes: STR: 20, INT: 8

Level: 4-7

Alignment: (Not specified in the provided text)

Speed (SPD): 10, Dexterity (DEX): 10-14, Will (WILL): 8-14, Charisma (CHA): 4, Constitution (CON): 20, Perception (PER): 12-16

Damage: Bite: 1-8, Claws: 2-16

Special Attributes: Water breathing, Infra-vision

Armor: As leather armor

Hit Points: 20-38

Comments: At least 50% of all Swamp Trolls are able to converse in one of the human or humanoid tongues. Unlike other trolls, Swamp Trolls rarely associate with any but their own kind. They are unaffected by daylight but prefer dwelling in dark and shadowy places. It is not unknown for exceptional individuals of this species to attain heights of up to nine feet .