Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Mountain Troll

Mountain trolls are closely related to rock trolls but are larger, generally eight feet or more in height and more massive. In overall appearance, however, they are almost identical, and it is clear that these two branches of troll-kind are quite close to one another on the tree of evolution.

Mountain trolls are much less intelligent than the smaller rock trolls and far less sophisticated. They rarely use weapons more sophisticated than simple, poorly fashioned clubs, and often prefer to use hands, claws, and fangs. They have virtually no concept of social structure above that of the family and sometimes don't seem to care much about close family members either. Thus, they are usually found dwelling alone. From time to time, a rock troll clan or goblin tribe will take in a handful of mountain trolls whose size and strength can be put to good use with intelligent direction.

Mountain trolls are tireless creatures who possess incredible strength. They can pick up and hurl stones with the same effects as a light catapult. For this reason, rock trolls often make a place for mountain trolls in their siegecraft, employing them as "living artillery" in combat situations. The terrifying strength of a mountain troll makes it possible for these creatures to pick up a human-sized opponent with one hand and hurl the victim as much as twenty feet.

Since mountain trolls are not particularly bright, they rarely build things. Usually, they lair in caves, though mountain trolls will sometimes take over an abandoned hovel (or make such a hovel become abandoned in short order).


Height/Length: 7-9 feet

Weight: 500-700+ lbs.

Attributes: STR: 21, INT: 6

Level: 5-8+

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Damage: Bite: 1-6, Claw/Fist: 1-8 (+STR) or as per weapon employed

Special Attributes: Hurl boulders (range: 10 ft. x STR, damage: 6-36), Hurl human-sized prey (damage: 3-24), Infra-vision

Armor: As leather armor

Hit Points: 30-66

Comments: Mountain Trolls are occasionally found in the company of Rock Trolls. Some few of these creatures rise to greater than eighth level (all are warriors). Though Mountain Trolls possess infra-vision, they see very poorly in any kind of light, which hurts their eyes .