Malataurs may be encountered in hunting parties of four to twenty males, the females usually being left behind to care for their young. Aside from the race of men, Malataurs are one of the few species who will hunt purely for sport. They are wicked creatures who have no respect for other forms of life, often taking the heads of their victims as trophies.
Though they are not known as good craftsmen, Malataurs make shortbows of fairly decent quality. The males are skilled archers and can shoot equally well from a stationary position or at full gallop. They are also skilled at setting all sorts of snares, some of which are said to be most inventive.
In combat, Malataurs prefer fighting at long range using either the short bow or javelin. At close range, they will resort to hand-held weaponry if such items are available. If not, they will either butt opponents or kick them with their front or hind legs, the hooves of which are quite sharp.
As Malataurs are fairly intelligent, they will rob victims of treasure, usable weapons, and magical paraphernalia. Items which they cannot make immediate use of are usually discarded or hidden in secret forest caches.
Height/Length: 7 ft. at the shoulder
Weight: 1400+ lbs.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
STA (Strength): 15-17
SPD (Speed): 20
INT (Intelligence): 10
WILL (Willpower): 10
DEX (Dexterity): 16
CHA (Charisma): 7
CON (Constitution): 12-16
PER (Perception): 19
Level: 4-8
Hooves: 1-8
Horns: 1-6
Or as per weapon employed
Special Attributes: +1 damage per attack (due to size), +2 saves vs Strength
Armor: Unarmored
Hit Points: As per humans .