Thursday, April 11, 2024


Lemures are a giant race of humanoids occasionally found in temperate forests and jungles throughout the known world. Like their distant relatives, the Yeti, Lemures are said to be among the earliest known species of human-like beings some scholars claim that humans are descended from Lemures and an extinct race of beings known as Rhmoals.

Lemures are powerfully built, and are surprisingly swift for their size. Their bodies are covered with a coat of coarse fur which ranges in color from tawny brown to black. Areas of the face, palms, and the soles of their feet are devoid of hair, and protected instead by a tough, leathery hide (usually tan or dark brown in color). This combination of fur and hide affords Lemures excellent protection from biting and stinging insects, and some unknown way renders them immune to the effects of systemic poisons and venomous bites. Lemures are affected by ingested poisons such as toxic powders and dusts, however.

Lemures are herbivores, eating only fruit, berries, and certain types of leafy shrubs. Although they are not overly aggressive creatures, Lemures can be quite dangerous. They will attack if their offspring or mates are threatened, or if individuals approach their lairs. When angered, Lemures are fierce antagonists, capable of sending a human-sized opponent reeling with a single backhand swipe, or crushing human-sized foes in their bear-like arms. If defending their mates or offspring, Lemures will fight to the death; if not, they will generally flee rather than be killed.

Like many types of apes, Lemures live in groups. The females bear a single “cub” once per year for 2-3 years, then become barren. Both the male and female work together to gather food, tend their offspring, and build circular “nests” of leaves, vines, and boughs. A group of Lemures will always be led by the largest and strongest male, who acts as protector of the clan. Lemure leaders maintain their position with authority only as long as they can continue to repulse the challenges of the other males in the group. Though most such challenges consist mainly of posturing, howling and shoving, violent clashes do occur on rare occasions. The loser of this type of challenge is always banished from the group, and thereafter may never associate with others of their kind. These rogue Lemures (as they are called) are extremely dangerous, and will sometimes attack humanoids without provocation.

Though once quite numerous, the Lemure species is now believed to be bordering on the verge of extinction. The proliferation of other, more advanced humanoid races has had a profound effect on the Lemures, who are woefully susceptible to the types of diseases commonly carried by humans.

Height/Length: 7-8 ft.

Weight: 350-450 + lbs.


STR: 17-19

INT: 6-10

SPD: 14-18

DEX: 12-16

CON: 19

PER: 18

CHA: 6

WILL: 10

Level: 3-9

Alignment: Neutral

Damage: Claw/Fist: 1-6 ( + STR), Crushing grip: 2-12 ( + STR) per minute

Special Attributes: Immunity to venoms and systemic poisons

Move silently: 75%

Armor: As leather armor

Hit Points: 24-44\


If their lairs are seriously threatened, Lemures will attack in groups (adult males and females).