standing around twelve feet tall. They are considered fairly civilized, having a culture equivalent to that of many human nations, and are adept at building impressive castles and fortifications. Their attire often includes animal hides and various types of armor, and they are skilled in crafting weaponry and armor similar to Hyperborean gear, such as chain mail, axes, swords, and warhammers.
Regarded by some as barbarians, the Jotun still maintain a well-organized culture. They're known for being great builders and skilled in warfare, but are described as somewhat lacking in intelligence, wit, and magical ability. Their society is structured around Great Lords, with a preference for simple combat over other arts, though they are skilled in seafaring for raiding purposes. Their culture is not oriented towards large-scale planning or cooperation, instead, their achievements are typically attributed to the efforts of individual Great Lords.
The Jotun are also said to be humorless and somewhat cruel, with only a few among them interested in the study of enchantment. They are described as warlike, proud, and quarrelsome, reluctant to acknowledge any master, and attaching themselves to Great Lords for fealty and protection.
In "The Travels," Kullervo the Wanderer provides an account of the Jotun culture, suggesting a society resistant to outside influence and often resulting in violence or tragedy when strangers are encountered.
In their outer reaches, the Jotunheim is inhabited by more savage Jotun who lack the sophisticated equipment and social order of their civilized counterparts. These barbaric giants are even less tolerant of outsiders, dress in crude furs, and wield rudely fashioned clubs. They typically live solitary lives but may sometimes be found in small hunting bands.
Height/Length: 12 feet
Weight: 2,000 + lbs.
STR: 22
INT: 12
SPD: 10
DEX: 12
CON: 22
WILL: 14-16
CHA: 8
PER: 12-16
Level: 6-16
Alignment: Lawful Evil or Chaotic Evil (see Comments)
Damage: Fist: 1-8 (+ STR), or as per weapon employed
Special Attributes:
Immunity to cold (fire does +50% damage)
Armor: Unarmored
Hit Points: 30-70 +
The more savage species of Jotun are generally Chaotic in nature. All Jotun are either Warriors or Corsairs by profession.