Well-noted for their carnivorous tendencies, most cyclopes keep flocks of sheep, goats, or similar herd animals for use as food. Cyclopes are also noted for their fondness for human meat, which they eat with relish. They sometimes live in small communities, but prefer solitude, large caves being their preferred homes.
In his Natural History, Chiron the Wise summed up the nature of the cyclopes in the following manner:
“Loving neither Gods nor Men, the Cyclopes of the isles are much to be feared. They hesitate not in falling upon stranded travelers, both for the sake of food, and for the sake of loathsome sport and savage cruelty. Slow and stupid they are, which is their weakness, for what cannot be outfought can oft be out-thought. But their anger is fierce, and no deed too evil for these awful creatures to commit.”
Though, as he often does, Chiron has oversimplified, it is generally true that cyclopes are an intolerant race. Armed with crude clubs or boulders, they are quick to attack strangers whom they suspect of trespassing, or of coveting their meager possessions.
Cyclopes are believed to be related to the Aegir, and possibly the Jotun of the Northern Ice. The exact nature of this relationship is obscure, however, and lost in the mists of antiquity. Among the cyclopes themselves, there are ancient traditions of semi-divine origins. An elaborate myth holds that they once dwelt among the Gods as craftspeople and laborers, but were ultimately banished from the heavens for their ferocity. The legends of men, on the other hand, tend to link cyclopes to the sea. Some claim that the cyclopes are children of the sea-gods; others that they are a degenerate offshoot of the sea-faring Fomorian race, whom they physically resemble in many ways.
Height/Length: 8-10 feet
Weight: 1000-1300 lbs.
STA: 20
INT: 7
SPD: 8-12
WILL: 10-16
DEX: 10
CHA: 5
CON: 19
PER: 8
Level: 6-10
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Damage: As per weapon employed
Special Attributes:
Infra Vision
Hurling boulders (range: approximately 100 ft., damage: 4-24)
Armor: As leather armor
Hit Points: 30-56
Comments: Cyclops often have poor vision, especially peripherally .