A race of two-headed centaurs, the Arciteni are somewhat similar to their more common and familiar cousins. The typical Arcitenus is stronger and much larger than an ordinary centaur and possessed of two heads rather than one on broad muscular shoulders. These are the only real differences physically between the two races.
Scholars believe that the Arciteni are the brutish ancestors of ordinary centaurs, but opinions as to their actual relationship and their origins differ. In the Natural History, Chiron the Wise takes the popular view that the origin of this race was magical and recounts a legend common among the villages of the eastern steppes:
"In days gone by, they say, the magician was summoned upon to assist the plainsfolk to repel a great migration of centaurs, in hopes that the warlike tide might be turned or held back. This he did, for a time, by means of complex spells and arcane lore, until at length it seemed that the people were saved. Yet those who had called upon him for salvation proved unwilling to grant the magician the payment he now demanded, and in anger, he used his powers now to summon rather than repel the centaur invaders. He himself led the barbaric half-men and conquered the land, proclaiming himself tyrant over the district. To protect himself, so it is said, he created a host of bodyguards like centaurs but larger, fiercer, and possessed of two heads for constant watchfulness. When at last the tyrant magician was killed, his followers dispersed, and the people of the villages gained their liberty once more."
Chiron's view of the race's origins is one common in popular folklore but disputed by many scholars. The truth is long lost in legend and conflicting tradition and not likely to be settled.
The Arciteni are barbaric and are even more aggressive and fierce than the typical centaur. It is rare that one encounters an Arcitenus using sophisticated weapons, armor, or other implements. They also tend to be uglier, more ill-tempered, and even fonder of random destruction than their cousins. Luckily, they are much less common overall and thus not so frequently met. Their range is much the same as that of ordinary centaurs, and they are also found in small migratory bands or tribes.
Height/Length: 10 ft. at the shoulder
Weight: 2800 lbs.
STA (Strength): 20
INT (Intelligence): 8-12
SPD (Speed): 16
DEX (Dexterity): 16
WILL: 10-14
CHA (Charisma): 2
CON (Constitution): 20
PER (Perception): 18
Level: 4-8
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Damage: Hooves: 2-12, Hands: 1-6 or as per weapon employed
Special Attributes: Allowed two saves vs any attempt to surprise, ambush, etc.
Armor: Unarmored
Hit Points: 20-50
Comments: Arciteni often employ heavy clubs in battle. As they have two heads, they may simultaneously engage opponents from the front and rear.