By human standards, Aesir are towering in stature, most measuring over seven feet in height and weighing up to four hundred pounds. They are often described as “wild-eyed,” and can appear quite menacing when angered. They are a deeply emotional race, whose moods tend to run to the extremes. Their skin coloration ranges from tan to dark brown or black, with hair ranging from light brown to auburn.
The Aesir live in clans of 10-40 individuals. They build great lodge houses of wood and hard-packed earth, roofed over with great strips of sod. Their villages are usually enclosed in an earthenwork wall, providing protection from wild beasts and other dangers. Though the Aesir have little talent for most types of magic, their shamans are skilled warriors, healers, and story-tellers. Essentially a good-hearted folk, they despise those who practice the arts of necromancy and black magic.
Aesir are very fond of dwarves, who they call their “little brothers.” They hate goblins, trolls, and ogres, and are generally distrustful of the Nethermen. They have an especial dislike for the Jotun and the Fomorians, who often raid Aesir villages and accost Aesir ships at sea. Though they will not attack weak or defenseless foes, the Aesir revel in battle, and often sing songs and tell tales of their greatest victories.
Height/Length: 6'8"-7'10"
Weight: 260-450+ lbs.
STR: 19
INT: 6-14
SPD: 6-12
DEX: 8-14
CON: 16-18
PER: 10-16
WILL: 10-18
CHA: 10-18
Level: See Comments
Alignment: Any (most are Neutral or Good)
Damage: Fist: 1-6 (+ STR), or as per weapon employed
Special Attributes:
+1 damage per attack (due to size)
+2 saves vs Strength
Armor: Unarmored
Hit Points: As per humans
Aesir may advance in level as per human characters, and may be skilled in any of the following professions: Warrior, Corsair, Gladiator, Shaman. They are generally too brutish to employ sophisticated missile weapons such as bows and crossbows.