Thursday, March 28, 2024


Spriggans are strange little creatures believed to be related in some way to the lesser elementals known as earth gnomes. They average three feet in height, have somewhat exaggerated facial features, and are hairless. Poor craftsmen, most wear shabbily-made tunics and articles of clothing that have been lost or discarded by other creatures.

Spriggans are usually found only in wooded areas far from the towns and villages of more civilized folk. They make their home beneath the earth, where they construct elaborate burrow and tunnel complexes. Inveterate scavengers, Spriggans collect all sorts of items, including old clothes, empty bottles, balls of string, coins, and so forth. They are quite proud of their collections and often show them to others of their kind. While Spriggans have no concept of what money is, they some­times will trade items in their collections for other articles. As indivdual preferences dictate the nature of any Spriggan's tastes, they may agree to the most absurd-seeming exchanges, or may refuse a seem­ingly favorable deal. In any case, the reasons for a Spriggan's willingness or unwillingness to deal will rarely be comprehensible to humans (or for that matter, any other creature except the Spriggan who is involved in the exchange).

Though most of the other Sidhe races find them to be somewhat comical, Spriggans consider themselves a noble race. They often stand guard over other communities or bands of Sidhe, such as sprites, Zazir, and nymphs. Despite their smallish size, Spriggans are quite strong and many are handy with a club or cudgel.

Spriggans are sociable creatures, even though most prefer to live alone. They occasionally meet with others of their own kind, compar­ing collections and exchanging tidbits of news and gossip. They enjoy strong drink, but become silly after a glass or two. When in such a condition, Spriggans become quite bold and will sometimes chal­lenge each other to various feats of derring-do.

Spriggans do not like goblins, whom they consider rude and gross. They despise trolls, especially the types that burrow underground.

Height/Length: 2 1/2-3 ft.

Weight: 40-60 lbs.


STR: 3

INT: 10-16

SPD: 19

WILL: 12

DEX: 19

CHA: 4

CON: 6

PER: 18

Level: 1

Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic Good

Damage: As per weapon employed (see Comments)

Special Attributes:

-2 saves vs intoxicants of any sort (see Comments)

Armor: Unarmored

Hit Points: 12-20

Comments: Spriggans are emboldened by strong drink of any kind, which they love but can tolerate very little of. Spriggans occasionally carry clubs or cudgels, which they use with some skill .