In appearance, Roane bear some resemblance to otters, though their eyes are somewhat larger. They are excellent swimmers and are practically impossible to catch while in the water. Though Roane can survive for indefinite periods of time on land, they become uncomfortable as soon as their fur begins to dry. As such, only the most extraordinary circumstances can impel them to leave their watery lairs.
Because Roane love to spy on other creatures, they often know almost everything that occurs in the areas in which they live. If approached with care, it is said that Roane will sometimes engage in conversation with certain types of humans, such as Druids, Shamans, and Beastmasters. They will only give out information in return for other news or gossip (or sometimes a song), and cannot be bribed with coin or drink (Roane are teetotalers and have little use for money in their watery domains).
Roane are peaceful creatures who would never dream of harming other animals or beings. They feed on shoots and buds and eat only little of this meager fare. As they are sometimes hunted for their luxurious fur (which can bring as much as one thousand gold pieces or more in some places), Roane are cautious with regard to strangers. Most know a bit of enchantment and will use their spells to foil captors if hard-pressed. While it is rare to spot more than a single Roane in any given area, sightings of mated couples or broods of young Roane have been reported.
Height/Length: 2-3 ft.
Weight: 20-40 lbs.
STR: 4
INT: 16
SPD: 10 (20 swimming)
DEX: 18
CON: 10
WILL: 10
CHA: 12
PER: 19
Level: 2
Alignment: Neutral
Damage: Bite: 1-2
Special Attributes:
Roane are capable of casting any 1st level spell of Enchantment, always at first level ability. Some few know spells of the 2nd and 3rd levels .