Rabicans have been described as being "fast as the wind," and the description is merited. They are far swifter than any other riding animal known, with the exception of the winged balaha. It is said that "the pursuit of the rabican is a pursuit lost; the chase of the rabican is a chase won."
These animals are few in number and are hardly ever found away from the wilderness realms of the Sidhe, the faery-folk of the woodlands. The Sidhe have long used rabicans as steeds, and every Sidhe band is sure to have at least a few rabican steeds for hunting, delivering messages, or scouting the countryside.
Kullervo the Wanderer is one of the few writers to ever report an actual meeting with the Sidhe, and in The Travels, he gives a rare description of the rabicans:
"So fast did the animals travel that they quickly overtook and then passed our party, though we had a long lead and fresh mounts. We had thought to avoid these people, who were reputed to be very distrustful of outsiders of all kinds, but it seemed we would no sooner turn in a new direction than there would be a line of Sidhe astride their lovely mounts, suddenly maneuvered to block our advance. Yet, it could be seen that the slender creatures tired easily, having no endurance to face a prolonged and strenuous period of riding."
Height/Length: 5 ft. at the shoulder
Weight: 300-400 lbs.
STR: 14
SPD: 23
DEX: 19
CON: 10
INT: 8
WILL: 10
CHA: 19
PER: 20
Level: 2-4
Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic Good
Damage: Hooves: 1-6
Special Attributes: None listed explicitly, but the description emphasizes their incredible speed and agility, as well as their association with the Sidhe and their rarity and elegance .