Friday, March 29, 2024


"The term 'goblin' is actually applied to a whole range of different but related humanoid creatures. They are an ugly misshapen race varying in size from three feet in height to a very large species standing seven feet tall and weighing upwards of 350 pounds. As a common facet of all goblin tribes is rule by the strong, smaller weaker individuals tend to be easily dominated by their more powerful cousins.

The overall appearance of goblins, aside from size, is basically similar from one to another. They are humanoid in shape but tend to be bowlegged with long, almost apelike arms, and misshapen features. Skin coloration varies from yellow to brown or even a murky shade of dark green. A goblin's eyes are jet black with white or yellow pupils. Their faces are broad and flat, and their mouths lined with sharp teeth and protruding lower fangs.

Goblins are an evil race, warlike, quarrelsome, and nasty. They hate and fear the sun, though a few can tolerate it at need. For the most part, they live underground, coming forth at night to raid neighboring territories for booty, food, and slaves; the latter two commodities are interchangeable for goblins are carnivores who will eat prisoners for whom they have no other use.

As goblins are generally poor craftsmen, their equipment tends to be ragged. They occasionally acquire good quality weapons, armor, shields, and similar items from their raids, booty which generally goes to the strongest of the tribe. Thus, the better-equipped goblins are also those most capable in the use of such gear.

Goblins are the fierce and determined enemies of dwarves above all others, for both races compete for the best underground tunnel complexes. They occasionally cooperate with rival goblin tribes, trolls, ogres, and other foul creatures, and sometimes are found in the service of evil spell casters. For the most part, though, each goblin tribe works alone and quarrels between tribes, often leading to outright wars, are quite frequent.

Goblins are not particularly bright, and few have ever been known to become conversant with magic of any kind. There are exceptions, and occasionally an intelligent goblin can rise to a position of power. Such a leader may be a focus of a powerful alliance of tribes and can pose a serious threat to civilized peoples for miles around."

Height/Length: Variable

Weight: Variable

Attributes: STR: 14-18, INT: 6-12, SPD: 8-14, WILL: 4-12, DEX: 6-12, CHA: 2-8, CON: 15-19, PER: 12-16

Level: 1-10+ (see Comments)

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Damage: Bite: 1-4 or as per weapon employed

Special Attributes: Infra-vision

Armor: Unarmored

Hit Points: 10-40+

Comments: Goblins vary considerably in size, from dwarfish three-footers to ape-like seven-foot individuals, with weight ranging from 40-240+ lbs. Their level of ability can vary widely, though most do not rise above the fourth level. Exceptional individuals may exceed even the tenth level of ability in professions such as Warrior, Rogue, Shaman, Necromancer, and Witch Doctor .