The average height of a Boggart is about two feet, give or take a few inches. Their faces and bodies are shriveled and lined with wrinkles, giving them the appearance of little old men (in fact, Boggarts are born looking like this). While their skin coloration normally ranges from yellowish-brown to green, Boggarts are able to change the color of their skin at will and can assume any hue or combination of hues found in nature. Boggarts often use this ability to spy on other creatures, making them almost impossible to detect in natural surroundings of any type.
In terms of temperament, Boggarts are mean and spiteful creatures. They enjoy setting booby traps in wooded areas, playing tricks on others, and pilfering small items from individuals who pass through their domains. Boggarts excel at petty thievery and are skilled at moving silently and picking pockets. They are quite bold and will follow travellers for days, stealing coins, jewels, and other valuables at every possible opportunity. According to legend, if a Boggart is caught, he must reveal the location of his stolen riches; for this reason, Boggarts usually hide their ill-gotten gains in stump holes, badger burrows, and other places too cramped for creatures larger than themselves to enter.
Besides their other abilities, Boggarts are also able to cast up to three spells per day, such as Detect Magic, Invisibility, Phase Shift, and False Dweomer. They will often use their spell casting abilities to baffle individuals who attempt to catch them for their treasure. Boggarts are inept fighters and generally attempt to avoid combat situations. If forced to fight in order to protect themselves, they are capable of delivering a nasty bite. Boggarts will also throw stones and other small objects at individuals in order to make mischief but never with the intent of causing serious harm or death.
Unlike most faeries, Boggarts are solitary creatures. They rarely choose to speak with others, preferring instead to hold conversations (and even arguments) with themselves. If approached in a kindly and unthreatening manner, Boggarts will sometimes engage in short conversations. They do, however, have a distressing tendency to lie most of the time.
Height/Length: 2-2½ ft.
Weight: 30-40 lbs.
STR: 7
SPD: 13
DEX: 12-16
CON: 10-14
INT: 12
WILL: 12
CHA: 2
PER: 14-16
Level: 2-4
Alignment: Neutral-Evil
Damage: Bite: 1-4 or as per weapon employed
Special Attributes:
Ability to change skin coloration at will (90% undetectable when using this ability in any wilderness area)
Ability to read magic
Pick pockets: 90%
Move silently: 90%
Limited spell casting abilities (Boggarts can cast up to three spells of Enchantment per day at 1st-4th level of ability. The text lists the spells most commonly learned by Boggarts but some individuals will know other spells as well.)
Armor: Leather .