Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Bakru are a malign race of faery-like beings who inhabit tropical for­ests and jungles throughout certain parts of the world. In their native habitats, Bakru are given a wide berth by most intelligent creatures and are greatly feared by superstitious folk.

Bakru are quite repulsive to behold, having shriveled countenances and deep-set, dark eyes. Full-grown Bakru rarely stand more than one foot in height and may weigh as little as 10-12 ounces. Most have long hair, and the males are always bearded. Hair and skin coloration are usually identical, with the most common pigmentation being dirty brown or dark green; both albino and black Bakru are known to exist but are said to be quite rare.

Bakru live in clans of 10-100 individuals and never venture forth in groups of less than four. Their mating habits are largely unknown, though it is believed that the females bear only 1-3 offspring in their long lives (Bakru are said to live well past 200 years of age). They are hunters and gatherers and build no permanent dwellings.

While Bakru are not physically strong, they possess superior speed and dexterity. Their diminutive weapons and tools are well made, as are the intricate snares which Bakru construct from woven grasses, reeds, and sharpened sticks. Although Bakru will set large snares around the perimeter of an encampment to ward off trespassers, these devices are most commonly used to trap snakes, which Bakru "milk" for their venom. Bakru use this venom to treat the deadly needle-like spears which their warriors wield in battle. The exact process by which Bakru treat these weapons is not known, though it is believed that the warriors soak their wooden spears for long periods of time in a mixture of different venoms. This may explain the uncanny toxicity of these tiny weapons, which can be used to inflict numerous "stings" before losing their venomous properties.

Like the earliest humanoid races, Bakru have learned to domesticate certain species of wild animals. The most commonly domesticated creatures are rats and weasels, which Bakru use as steeds and burden beasts. Occasionally, Bakru are able to capture and tame mongooses, which are greatly prized for their ability to kill snakes. Bakru steeds of any sort are trained to fight with their riders, thus increasing the combat capabilities of warring and raiding parties.

Despite their small size, Bakru are surprisingly dangerous antagonists. Operating under cover of darkness, they will often raid humanoid encampments, stealing food and such supplies as they can carry off on the steeds. Bakru are especially fond of gemstones and prefer these treasures above more cumbersome items (such as coins, jewelry, etc.). It is not uncommon for Bakru to silently sneak into a village or campsite in order to set traps and snares, sabotage carts and wagons, or tamper with the inhabitants' tools and weapons; favorite ploys include partially sawing through bowstrings and backpack straps and putting poisonous or intoxicating herbs in wineskins and waterskins. Especially bold Bakru warriors will even dare to tie up or entangle humanoids as they sleep. In order to avoid confrontations with Bakru, certain humanoid tribes have been known to regularly pay them tributes of snakes, herbs, and spices, lending credence to the Bakru's claim that they are the true masters of any land in which they live.

Height/Length: 1/2-1 ft.

Weight: 10-12 oz.


STR: 15-16

SPD: 10

DEX: 10

CON: 12

INT: 8

WILL: 16

CHA: 5

PER: 15

Level: 3-4

Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic Good

Damage: 1-4 with special venom-coated diminutive spears

Special Attributes:

Detect/disarm/set snares: 95%

Elusiveness (-2 penalty on all opponents' attack rolls)

Hide: 95%

Armor: Unarmored

Hit Points: 10-14 .